Saturday, July 24, 2010

Foldables and Literacy

I went to a foldable workshop at my school where we learned how to make numerous foldables for each content area, especially reading. I have used foldables within my second grade classroom and they enjoyed creating the foldable using drawing and writing (learning logs). Students seem to take pride in taking home their completed foldable projects to present to family members and friends.


  1. This was very cool, I had not seen this before and I agree that there are many ways that you could use this in the classroom, perhpas even do a collaborative one?

  2. I LOVE these! They could be so useful in many content areas. Also, the flexibility of them is could do them individually, in groups, or as a whole class. Perhaps most importantly is the fact that students would enjoy doing these! Just the fact that the end product is visually appealing will give students motivation to do them and do a good job! Also, the website you provided is a great resource, thanks!
